
Webinar 7 - Inclusion in FDC Services

Time limit: 30 days

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Full course description

In this 90-minute webinar, family day care educators, educator assistants and coordinators will learn about inclusion, including legal obligations and why family day care is a setting of choice for many families of children with disability and/or delays. They will reflect on barriers to access, and the role of the Approved Provider, the service/scheme coordinator, family day care educator and assistants in overcoming these barriers. Participants will be guided through how to plan for and support the participation and engagement of all children in their family day care program. Case study examples will be used throughout, and the positive outcomes of inclusion will be presented.   

 At the conclusion of this webinar, you will have the knowledge to:  

  • Describe the ethical and legal reasons for the inclusion of children with disabilities and/or delays in FDC services. 
  • Collaborate with families, staff within your FDC service/scheme, Inclusion Professionals, and others to identify and overcome barriers to access. 
  • Structure the environment and learning experiences to support the engagement and participation of all children in your FDC setting. 


Links to National Quality Standard Descriptors
1.1.3 Program learning opportunities 
1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle 
4.2.1 Professional collaboration
6.2.2 Access and participation