
Webinar 6 - Inclusion in OSHC Services

Time limit: 30 days

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Full course description

This 90-minute webinar is for educators and service leaders who work in school age care settings. Participants will learn about what inclusion is and their legal and ethical obligations related to the inclusion of children with disabilities or delays in outside of school hours care services. Barriers to access and potential solutions to these barriers will be presented. Participants will consider what participation in school age care settings looks like in practice and will be provided with information about how they can collaborate with others and structure their environment to support the participation of all children. Case study examples will be used throughout, and the positive outcomes of inclusion for different community members will be presented.   


At the conclusion of this webinar, you will have the knowledge to: 


  • Describe the ethical and legal reasons for the inclusion of children with disabilities and delays in OSHC services. 
  • Collaborate with families and schools to implement strategies to support the participation and learning of children with disability or delays in your OSHC service. 
  • Structure the OSHC environment and learning experiences to support the engagement and participation of all children. 


Links to National Quality Standard Descriptors 
1.1.3 Program learning opportunities 

1.2.1 Intentional teaching  

5.2.1 Collaborative learning 

6.2.2 Access and participation